Snap Recordings Blog


After the sale is made and the phone system is configured, it’s time to have the greetings & voice prompts recorded; something that can be time-consuming and burdensome for Telecom Agents and their customers. Moreover, it’s self-evident that professional voice recordings far surpass the quality of customer self-recorded phone system messages. So, it’s no surprise that more and more Telcom Agents like MSP’s & VAR’s are including professional greeting & voice prompt packages with their phone system sales. However, professional voice recordings offer a lot more value than a great sounding phone system.   

Here are 5 ways that Telecom Agents can benefit from professional voice recordings:


After the sale is made and the phone system is configured, it’s time to have the greetings & voice prompts recorded; something that can be time-consuming and burdensome for Telecom Agents and their customers. Moreover, it’s self-evident that professional voice recordings far surpass the quality ...
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If you’ve been in the telecommunications industry for any length of time, you’ve dealt with "the staller". The staller is the client who hasn’t upgraded their phone system in over a decade; the client who, despite your repeated efforts, would rather stick with an outdated system than take the time to learn how to use the latest VoIP features. 

It’s true, business phone technology isn’t as coveted as mobile tech. However, it’s vexing that many of the same people who rush out to snatch up the new Apple iPhone X, drag their feet when it comes to embracing new business telecom. Plus, you know that the staller is missing out on some valuable phone system features…features that could help them take their business to the next level. So, what do you do? How do you keep customers up-to-date with the latest telecommunications technology without bombarding them with sales materials? 

If you’ve been in the telecommunications industry for any length of time, you’ve dealt with "the staller". The staller is the client who hasn’t upgraded their phone system in over a decade; the client who, despite your repeated efforts, would rather stick with an outdated system than take the time ...
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