A 2013 study from Barclays found that nearly half of Brits considered being on hold the single most hated waste of time in their day. The numbers may fluctuate depending on who you talk to, but it's generally accepted that people don't like being on hold. Message on hold systems, meanwhile, can potentially turn that hate around and turn disgruntled customers into lifelong patrons of your business.
How Can My Message On Hold System Improve My Brand Perception?
A message on hold system can have an excellent impact on brand perception.It demonstrates that you value the customer. Customers have plenty of things to do in a day. Being on hold generally isn't one of them, so offering a better message on hold makes for a better experience.
It confirms your company's value to the customer. Customers are spending money on your product or service and expect results. With a message on hold system, you're providing useful information right from go and showing the customer that you were worth the purchase.
How Do I Improve My Message On Hold Functions?
Knowing why you should improve message on hold functions is a good start. Now consider some brass-tacks solutions for improvement.
Have it professionally done. Sure, there's reason to have the business owner record a voice—the voice of the company, so to speak—but turning the job over to professionals, such as Snap Recordings, helps ensure the best outcome in terms of clarity, language, and other similar issues.
Include relevant information. Customers willing to be on hold should be treated as an opportunity. Use this time to provide valuable information. Whether it's something simple like store hours or locations or something more complex like new product offerings, you've got a willing audience for a short time. Use it.
Consider special offers. A customer is voluntarily waiting on hold because he or she expects benefits, particularly a problem solved. Adding a special offer to that message on hold can make the benefit even more concrete and improve the chances a customer will come back.