If you’ve been in the telecommunications industry for any length of time, you’ve dealt with "the staller". The staller is the client who hasn’t upgraded their phone system in over a decade; the client who, despite your repeated efforts, would rather stick with an outdated system than take the time to learn how to use the latest VoIP features.
It’s true, business phone technology isn’t as coveted as mobile tech. However, it’s vexing that many of the same people who rush out to snatch up the new Apple iPhone X, drag their feet when it comes to embracing new business telecom. Plus, you know that the staller is missing out on some valuable phone system features…features that could help them take their business to the next level. So, what do you do? How do you keep customers up-to-date with the latest telecommunications technology without bombarding them with sales materials?
Your customers aren’t looking to you to sell them business phone technology; they’re looking to you to help them operate more efficiently. They’re not looking for Avaya or Nortel phone equipment, they're looking for solutions to their communication challenges. In fact, statistics show that 70% of purchasing decisions are made to solve a specific problem. So, don't focus on the technology; focus on the client. Take the time to listen to your customers and ask questions. If you can identify their needs, you can show them how the latest hosted phone system can solve many of their business challenges.
You’ve identified which telecom solutions can best help your clients achieve their desired business goals. Now it’s time to spread the word! Your social media marketing should be focused on your role as a solutions provider. Encourage clients to submit their questions and business challenges. Use your blog to share articles on how some of your customers are using the latest telecom features, and update your phone recordings and on-hold messaging with informative content. When you toss out the sales pitch and instead position yourself as a valuable resource in the telecommunications industry, customers will look to you for information…and equipment.
If you want to market the latest telecom technology in a way that is effective and memorable for your customers, ditch the technical lingo. When you use technical jargon with those who share your knowledge, you communicate your competence within the telecommunications industry. However, when you use it with someone who doesn’t share your understanding of telecommunications, you alienate them from the conversation. The trick is identifying what telecom jargon is. Phrases like voice terminal access, multi-site networking, Voice over IP, and call handling are common industry terms, but may not be familiar to everyone you deal with. Keep your messaging straightforward and concise to appeal to the broadest client base.
More and more industries are embracing content marketing and reaping the benefits. As one Huffington Post article illustrates, “While user experience and design may be at the forefront of your consumer-driven marketing campaign, it’s important to focus on multimedia, in all its mediums, as a main driver of consumer engagement.” People want engaging content. Create short videos to demonstrate how easy it is to use the newest VoIP features. Design an infographic to illustrate how the newest business phone systems stack up, and update your phone recordings and message on-hold to showcase them as an effective marketing tool. The more dynamic your content, the more memorable and attractive it will be to prospective customers.
While you won't convert all the stallers to telecom enthusiasts, you can provide them the information and resources they need to make sound buying decisions when they are ready to take the leap with the latest business phone system tech.